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"Okay here's my stories:
(1) In 1992 I got very sick very suddenly. It was mostly joint and muscle pain,
overwhelming fatigue, cognitive dysfunction. I was off work because I was bedridden
with pain. Okay, a month later a Rheumatologist diagnoses me with Rheumatoid Arthritis
and puts me methotrexate, a terribly strong drug typically used, in larger doses, for
chemotherapy for cancer. It has the potential to destroy your liver, but I was in
pain so I started taking it. Okay, fast forward 5 years to this summer. My
long-term-disability company (I had to stop working 3 years ago) sends me to an
"independent medical examiner" who says, "You don't have RA and you never did!" So
I, after having been treated by four Rheums in five years--all of whom said I DO have
RA, say, "You're crazy!" But I stop the methotrexate to experiment and lo and behold,
I don't have RA and after a trip to Mayo Clinic on my own nickel they say also, I don't
have it and never did. So I took this toxic drug for five years for nothing. What I
do have is fibromyalgia.
(2) In July 1995 my ex husband noticed my neck bulges when I talk so I mention this to
my Rheum who is also an internist. She sends me for an ultrasound and scan of my
thyroid. I go through that and next time I see her she says that the result is that I
MAY have thyroiditis but probably not and we'll just check my thyroid levels every 6
months from now on. Fast forward to my recent visit to Mayo Clinic. On an MRI for
something else, they find two large masses in and around my thyroid!!! I have an
ultrasound and lo and behold, there they are two big masses. I am now undergoing fine
needle biopsy (the first one was "inconclusive"). So, this time I send for a copy of
the ultrasound report from 1995 and read it for myself (I never saw the report back
then) and what do you know! Those two tumors were there in 1995 but the doctor chose
to tell me I was FINE!!!
Those are my stories of why I don't trust a doctor as far as I can throw him/her."
Cindy |