Sue's E-Greetings! |
Sue's E-Greeting is no longer available!
Wasn't all that good anyways! :)
Sue :)
Specials |
This spot is for any new features or special announcements.
Val's Views ~ Written by: Valerie McAlister |
Valerie has Graves' Disease. Click on these links to read about Val!
Becoming Pro-Active Warriors
The Six Stages of Forgiveness
My Resume |
Well, Folks, it's the year 2002 and I am always open to suggestion on how to become
independently wealthy! If you know of a way for me to do that - Pah-lease DO let
me know! :) |
Disclaimer |
Please be sure to read the disclaimer for this site!
Music Page |
If you like music, (and you are a flower child at heart) then you are in for a treat!
I hope this adaptation of Hippie-dom tickles your fancy! Lots of midi files to download
and listen to while browsing the site! Though, if you are connected to any of the midi
players, you don't need this page ~ except to see what midis are availalable to hear!
Site Awards |
Recognition this site has received.
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