Well Folks, it's been a long year! So many things have happened. Not only is my Armour
Thyroid working very well, but I am no longer in Ner Yerk! I am in Florida! Where in the
world to begin to tell you about this last year of my life?
I have been here and there since September 2002, and have not been in a situation where
I could update since I wasn't sure where "things" were going. And before that my
relationship with "John" went to holy hell ... so thus - I had no idea what to tell
Maybe I should try to "nutshell" things for you.
John went on a medication called "Zoloft", and since he is bopolar (they don't mix!)
he (I'm not sure exactly what happened!) He went nuts and threw me out. This started
about December 2001. By the time March came around, and I was coming around on Armour,
~ he was so "different". He insisted I leave, and to prove his point he only came "home"
long enough to change his clothes. Needless to say, this made me a bit nuts....
So... Eventually... Long about July ~ turning 50 ~ Family reunion ~ no idea what to do
next... But having my mind and soul back on Armour... I decided that I deserved to try
moving to a better climate than "Good Ol' Ner Yerk". So I made my plans... And by
Sept I was ready - I mean like it was my home too for 14 years. I was not about to give
up everything just because some man went nuts?
So, I packed up my whole life and "jumped"! So when I got to Florida in September 2002,
I was ready to restart my life (at 50 mind you!). Then I had to deal with another "male
ego". Some other "man" went nuts and threw me out ~ with no place to go ~ 1200 miles
from home ~ in the middle of the night! My Sister's boyfriend.....
So a week later I find myself in South Carolina, staying with my sweet niece and neph
and their family. They were so nice to take me in! So I meandered there for over 3
months... bought a car (I had no car when I left NY) waited most of that time for SC
DMV to get me my "tags"... the day after I got my tags, I came back to Florida, and
have been trying to figure out what to do next ~~~ since!
But ~~~ the Armour Thyroid is wonderful!!! Anyone who has read my past "Updates" knows
I have been a total slug ~ occasionally rearing my head and making a statement...
but this is different! Feels good to feel like a whole person intact again! Can you
imagine my being bounced from state to state if I were on Synthroid ~ not only doing
it ~ but coming out feeling especially OK compared to "the other"?
But there is a word or 10 of caution!!! Armour Thyroid has a huge amount of T3 ~ I
believe that is causing a very high blood pressure reading in me, but I have no
insurance to test that ~ so I take what I can get. Like I told the Dr. in NY, I'd rather
live short and alive than live like a zombie!
I can't say that this is the best "Update" I've ever done, but after a full year, and
trying to keep things short...
If you have been given Synthroid (even supplemented with Cytomel (synthetic T3)) and you
still feel "not yourself" ~ push for Armour Thyroid ~ just make sure you have tests done
every 3 months to make sure the T3 is not too much!
Oh! I updated my e-mail address on the e-mail page now that I have one that will be
around for a minute :) Any questions ~ please ask! I hate to give out generalizations
about Armour ~ but I don't know how else to word a "nutshell"!!!
I miss getting e-mail! :)
Look to the Future! There is probably some nutty man in it!
Sue --{--{-@