Well, folks, another week, another headache. Looks like I may be going hyperthyroid
again. Leave it to me to do this on a three-day weekend! Probably too much Synthroid,
Your Artificial Friend. I'll have to get in touch with my endocrinologist next week.
I'll survive. I've survived worse than this, eh?
I was able to add one more page to my Personal Page Links this week. Again, I'd
like to mention that if you have a personal page that is related to mine, I would
truly appreciate being able to place your URL on my links page. If you are ill with
any of these diseases, you already know that if you don't have a a big gash for
people to see, most just don't understand that you are sick. Personal Pages can be
the tangible proof for the doubters.
If you have a Personal Page, please let me know and we can exchange links. If you
don't have a Personal Page and would like some help starting one, I'll do my best
to get one going for you. Don't feel you shouldn't ask a "sick-o" for help!
Like I said in last week's update, I'd love to do it and I'll help while I can.
I'd also like to mention that Support-Group.com has a chat session every Wednesday
evening for people who have Graves' Disease and for their relatives. Visit Support
Group for more information on the chat sessions. You'll find the link on the links