Hello there! Well, the warmer weather is finally here in Central New York. Gardens
are springing up all over the neighborhood and one neighbor has mowed their lawn
three times this week! Amazing! The noise of the lawnmower - ah, how sOoThInG ~ Not!
This week, I decided to make some very significant changes in my life. I have
already made appointments with some specialists who, hopefully, will have some
answers to some of my questions. A new ophthalmologist who has a special interest in
Graves' Disease, and a GYN who can maybe help me with my "other hormone" problems.
I am also working on getting that surgery done for the carpal tunnel that has been
plaguing me since last summer. Now, if I could only get that body transplant, and
maybe a head transplant, I'd be all set !
I guess it is all about taking control. This disease has taken much of that away
from me. Doing something positive will always make you feel a little stronger and
a little less helpless. How true! Sometimes this disease can become so self
consuming you can't see the forest for the trees. Not that I'm saying that is bad to
do. It is something that this disease kind of forces on you. I'm just saying it's
bad for you. Big difference.
So, I'm working on taking positive (baby) steps toward my freedom. Little goals I
can accomplish instead of big ones where I am doomed to fail for now. Later, when it
is time, I will set my sights on my bigger goals. I have been working on a list of
some things I would like to do before my time on earth is done. Doesn't mean I'm
going to get to do them all, but if I don't realize what I want, I won't get to do
any of them. Make sense?
Don't forget, as a group of Graves' Disease survivors, we need to work together to
try to get some much needed recognition for this disease. If anyone has an idea on
how to get some national attention for Graves' Disease, you should contact
The National Graves' Disease
Foundation. They our help so they can help us.