Ok.. I have a thought that needs some pondering! What say that even if your endo does
not bother to mention that a weight loss could throw off the benefits of your
"apparently correct" dose of Synthroid, your artificial friend, could it? Me thinks
so! I've been doing very well with the dosage I've been on for four months now. That
is, up until about the last week or so. In the last week I have been experiencing what
I like to term "hyper-head" as well as some other traditional hyperthyroid symptoms.
The last time I tried to guess at hyper vs hypo symptoms, I was proven wrong by the
results of the blood tests. But, I would hazzard a guess that this time, due to the
weight loss, my medication is more than I need for my body weight. Make sense?
It is at times such as this that I wish I had gone to college and had become a doctor.
If I had a degree as well as this disease, a degree with all the fancy schmancy
doctorates and add-on thingies, I would be "qualified" to put together a "professional
web site" about all this and actually give out "educated" information. I could use my
"expertise" and make statements that were controversial and not have to concern myself
with "right from wrong" stuff. I would gain notoriety in the medical field and other
"professionals" would listen because I had all the right paperwork! And with this
notoriety, I could advance the entire medical profession out of the dark-ages of
Thyroid Treatment and Management into the 90's where those of us who are ill wouldn't
have to suffer while the "People With The Right Paperwork" practiced on us!
Well, it IS admittedly still a guessing game, isn't it?
I've finally gotten caught up on answering all the wonderful letters that have been
sent to me. Answering some of these letters is one of the hardest things for me to do.
Not because I don't care, because I do! But it appalls me how little most understand
about these conditions! I understand why! But still, it gets me right in the heart!
If we all had doctors who would listen to us and talk with us and answer our
questions and explain the ups and the downs of these conditions ~ without reservation
~ you wouldn't have to write to me and ask! It also hurts because I can't do
much in the way of sending the explanations you need to alleviate your concerns and
fears. Why? Because I don't have the "right paperwork"! I have more knowledge about
the "the human factor" than many "professionals" do because I've been there. But if I
were to start giving out "Professional Opinion" without the fancy schmancy degrees,
all I would be doing is leaving myself open to legalities! Although I do wonder if I
might be able to use "hyper-head" like they use temporary insanity! The problem
with that analogy, though, is that I speak the truth! It wouldn't surprise me to know
just how many "Professionals" I've already affected with my "Un-Professional Opinions"!
It doesn't surprise me, either, that I never hear from these "Professionals"!
I must say, though, that not all physicians are like the aforementioned! Some are very
caring and dedicated individuals! To those who are, I would like to say, "Thanks!" I
just wish all of you were! And I wish those who were, would find a way to make the
rest even half as caring as you are! Thyroid conditions are not a joke! We, who have
them, know this without question or doubt! We, who have them, understand what I've said
quicker that you can say, "Wake up and smell the coffee!"
So, on that note, and while trying to maintain my dignity, :) I will close for this
week! Oh! And Happy Official Autumn! Strange it's spelled with that "n" thingy on
the end! Good thing it's silent! Else I would be wishing you a "Happy Official
Autum-nah"! :)