Anyone else from the good old North East of the USA? How much did you get dumped on? That
would be snow wise! :) We Upstate Ner Yerkers got around 20 or so inches of snow! That's
cause for a celebration! Sure it is! And I, for one, want to celebrate in Florida! :)
Hey! If I can celebrate in Florida, I'll celebrate just about anything! :)
Enough Is Enough is moving right along! Lots of new stories and some new links to some
of the stories at Dianne's Home Page! Fantastic, I say! It's beginning to look
impressive even. :) Still ready, willing, and able to take on as many more stories as
y'all can send!
I'm still doing OK, knock on wood! Although I will have to say that with the higher
dose of Synthroid, your artificial friend, my PMS is worse and lasting a bit longer
than it did a couple months ago. At this moment I want to eat everything in the house
and have a complete and utter temper tantrum while doing it! :) Not that I am doing
either, mind you! I am being a nicey little person and just chewing my nails up to
the third knuckle on my left foot to release the tension! Not an advisable remedy for
PMS! :)
So, that be the updates for this week. Hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and
gets to eat lots of food and not gain an ounce! Seriously, though, I do wish every one
a bountiful Thanksgiving, and let's not forget what it's all about. I, for one, am very
grateful to be living in the USA. It isn't perfect, but it's home!