Written by
Vicki Moose
"I have Hypothyroidism, diagnosed 29 years ago, and diagnosed with Sleep Apnea in 1996 (95% of everyone with Hypothyroidism has Sleep Apnea). I did a lot of research on Sleep apnea and started a Sleep Apnea support group. Now I want to know all I can about Graves Disease.
My son is thirty-eight and was diagnosed in October 1998. He has been treated by his family doctor for years for "nerves". He begged the doctor to get him off the medicine and the doctor's reply was "it's the pills or nothing, but don't worry as you get older you will slow down and be calmer". What is wrong with this doctor, what did he think when he took his pulse and his heart was beating so fast? When I would hug him "hello" it felt like he had a motor running in him. His hands shook so much, but the good doctor said it was nerves. My son was seeing his doctor often and his symptoms were not like mine so I never suspected the thyroid.
Fortunately for my son, his doctor (and I use that term loosely) was not available and saw his partner. We are so thankful for this doctor, as he listened and asked questions and ran blood tests. When my son made the return visit, the partner doctor was so excited because he knew what was wrong. They did more tests and it was confirmed that he had Graves Disease. My son walked away from that office for the very last time.
My son went to a different doctor; he is now on Propannolol. He has had the radiation treatment (Dec. 1, 1998), his hands no longer shake, doesn't sweat uncontrollably and most of all, he can sit still and have a long conversation with me now. Before he had to be moving and pacing. There is no excuse for the first doctor, he shouldn't assume it was nerves, especially when he had his history and knew I had a thyroid problem.
We really don't know what to expect now. He had a hard time keeping a job, and would get soooooo angry. How did you know how long you had Graves? I am curious how long my son has had it.
This is great just being able to say how I feel as a mother of an adult with Graves."